Thursday, October 30, 2008

Spring Baseball '08

Bobby Jr. is playing baseball in the pinto league (coach pitch) this spring his team is the Astros.

We switched leagues this year from Oak Hill Optimist to Manchaca Optimist. The reason we moved is so that Bobby could be in a league where the boys from his school play at. The Oak Hill league is probably the best in the Austin area and we hated to leave but we thought it was a better idea to play in and support the league that is in our community. Christie, Bobby and I like the league so far and enjoy being part of something that is just getting going.

Friday, March 7th we played a scrimmage against the Cardinals. Bobby almost caught a pop fly to right field, he missed a grounder at third, he made fielded two outs at third and he hit the ball every time at bat. He has a lot of room for improvement but I was proud of how he played.

First Night Austin

Christie, Bobby, and niece Amanda went to the First Night Austin event for New Years Eve. They saw a giant bicycle snake, fire dancers, bicycle animals and break dancers.

Everyone had a great time even thought it was very cold. The moon was full and there were 2 fireworks displays that lit the skyline and boomed off downtown.

The highlight of the night was when Bobby joined the Break Dancers and made the news report.

Christmas Spirit

We had a great Christmas Season. The kids had 4 different Christmas events despite the fact that we are broke.

Christmas Dinner and gifts with Mimaw and Pipaw at home on Saturday.

Christmas Eve gifting from Mom and Dad.

Christmas Morning from Santa Claus.

Christmas Dinner and gifts in Houston with Pawpaw a Grandmaw.

Bobby Jr. learned that Santa Claus was Saint Nicholas.

Bobby and Dad did some conception research into the Christmas Spirit. We concluded that the Christmas Spirit is about Compassion, Sacrifice and Forgiveness. In short it is by giving that we may find peace on earth and goodwill towards men. As is given to us by Him.

Lady Bird Lake

We took the kids to the new park on lady Bird Lake last Saturday. Bob's been seeing it constructed for a couple of months from his building downtown and it finally opened up. It has some really nice sidewalks, splash fountains for the kids, a pond with docks and a big hill that overlooks downtown.

Ivan really liked the state of texas etched in the platform at the top of the hill. He was fascinated with the letters around the circle.

Bobby loved talking about the different cities and

Eva liked running around the circle.

A fun time was had by all.

Newest Family Member

Baby Sophia was born on September 29th at 3:14pm. She was a big baby! 8lbs 14oz, 21.5inches long.

Bobby just adores her, he wants to hold her all the time, or feed her. If she is crying, he tries to help her.

Ivan always asks for her, but really would prefer to hang out with his Thomas trains, LOL.

Eva is hot or cold. She has been modeling "mommy" behavior with her dolls, so that is a good sign! At first she was just incredulous, as though all of this baby talk for months was just a charade.

Backyard Adventures

This summer we found a playscape for the kids on Craig's list. It was a really good buy, it is a Backyard Adventures 2 story fort with monkey bars slide and swings for $300. The hard part is that I had to dissasemble it and reassemble it.

Bobby and I had a real adventure for 3 days, renting a trailer going to get it, staining it and putting it together. I'm grateful for his help and moral support. Of course once I got it to the house I couldn't wait for help, I ended up putting it together myself. Several friends have looked at it and said it is a 2 man job.

The kids really love it and every evening they go out and play on it and get me to push them on the swing. Now I can't stop thinking about getting additions for it!

Summer Fishing

This summer we got a new boat. My Dad and Bobby and I did quite bit of fishing when it wasn't flooding around here.

Bobby is a good fisherman and a great little fishin' buddy. But I think sometimes he likes swimming more than fishing.

My dad and Bobby caught a lot of fish and told a lot of stories out on the boat. I hope we can get out soon this fall.

New Job

Bob started a new job this summer working for a software company downtown. I work with a great group of people in an industry that is really growing.

It's awesome to back at work after not working for a little while. The type of work we do keeps me really busy and presents some stimulating challenges.

I'm grateful to be blessed with this opportunity and it looks very promising for our future.

Easter Holiday

This was the best Easter celebration that we have had. Our family spent time all week in the events leading up to the Easter Holiday.

Christmas Trip

Christmas Day we took a trip to Christie's Aunt Jan's. We had a lot of fun on the trip. We sang goofy songs and talked and took in the scenery. We drove through the lost pines to a small town outside of Houston that was very beautiful. As we drove in to the community where aunt Jan lives, there was a long road that was lined with 150 year old oak trees and look like a plantation

It was fun to get together with family to meet new people and to share our joys in life and watch our kids play together.

Bobby road his new bike and Ivan enjoyed going down to the river behind the house.

Eva loved to see her Paw Paw. It was a peaceful ride home.